Edulearn20 - Unsere Beiträge
Die Edulearn20, Anfang Juli 2020, stand ganz im Zeichen neuer Formen des Lehrens und Lernens sowie der Diskussion zahlreicher Methoden und Ansätze zur Integration neuer Werkzeuge und Technologien in die Lehre. Wir haben zwei Artikel im Rahmen dieser Konferenz veröffentlicht, die sich mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten der Kompetenzentwicklung von Kindern im Bereich der Informatik beschäftigen.
Die Konferenz wurde vollständig online abgewickelt und zeigte, dass dies gut möglich ist. Es war eine sehr bereichernde Veranstaltung, aus der man viele Ideen und Inspiration mitnehmen kann.
Link zur Konferenzwebseite Edulearn20
#Digitalisierung #Lernen #Requirements Engineering #Kompetenzentwicklung #Informatik
The Fifth Role Of Children Taking Part In A Child Centered Design Process
In diesem Paper, das sich dem Thema „Child Centered Design“ widmet – einer Methode ähnlich zum User Centered Design – behandeln wir die unterschiedlichen Rollen, die Kinder während der Teilnahme an einem solchen Prozess kennenlernen und erleben. Druin’s Model beschreibt vier Rollen, die die Kinder dabei einnehmen können: die der Benutzerinnen und Benutzer, die der Testerinnen und Tester, die der Informantinnen und Informanten sowie die Rolle der Gestalterinnen und Gestalter. Wir fügen nun, basierend auf empirischer Feldforschung, die fünfte Rolle, die der Lernenden, hinzu.
Das Abstract:
„Early technology education in computer science is necessary to give children the opportunity to develop key competences they need for the 21st century at an early stage. This requires innovative and new methods to increase interest in technical topics.
Usually user centered design (when children are the users one speaks of child centered design) processes are carried out in order to gain insights for new products, sometimes with the secondary interest that the participants (children) learn something about design – but not to teach computer science or to conduct early technology education in computer science.
As an innovation, we research the use of a child centered design process to promote children in computer science. Children actively learn about the different phases of software development by participating in the child-centered design process that we have developed, carried out and evaluated.
While the classic user-centered design approach focused on the design process being oriented towards future users, there are further concepts that intensify the collaboration with the users. As an innovation, we have combined the classic user centered design (in our case child centered design) with the method of cooperative inquiry and bonded design.
According to Druin’s model (Druin, 2002), the children assume four roles in a child centered design process: they are users, testers, informants and designers. We add a fifth role to the model – that of the learners by participating in the process.
The developed child centered design process is divided into four phases. Phase 1 deals with the design of symbols for a possible prototypical graphical user interface for a microworld suitable for kindergarten children aged 3 to 6 years, our target group. In phase 2, the interpretations of the symbols are worked out using card sorting. For phase 3, the children evaluated a click dummy of a micro world developed in PowerPoint. This was followed by an iteration of the prototype and a new evaluation in phase 4.
Children between the ages of 5 and 6 participated in the first implementation of the adapted child centered design process for early technology education in computer science. In addition, four children aged 3 to 4 years participated in phase 4. The implementation of the process was instrumentally recorded for research purposes and evaluated against a guideline. The knowledge gained from evaluating version 1 of the prototype was incorporated into version 2. The children were able to experience that their feedback was promptly incorporated into the further development of products and thus supported iterative work.
The analysis of the data obtained shows that participation in the child centered design process as a measure for early technology education promotes the following competences (categorized based on (Eguchi, 2007)): the professional competences in mathematics, computer science and technology in general as well as the academic competences of designing, documenting, reflecting, working cooperatively, thinking creatively, making decisions meet, solve problems, communicate, present and think spatially.
[1] Druin, A. (2002). The role of children in the design of new technology. Behaviour and Information Technology, 21(1), 1-25
[2] Eguchi, A. (2007). Educational Robotics for Elementary School Classroom. Proc. of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Int. Conf 2007 (pp. 2542–2549). San Antonio, Texas, USA: AACE.
Keywords: Child centered design, early technology education in computer science, card sorting, usability, kindergarten, prototyping.“
Usability Evaluation For Elicitation Of Requirements – An Opportunity For Kindergarten Children To Develop Competences In Computer Science
Unser zweiter Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Ermittlung von Anforderungen an neue Produkte durch Usability Evaluierungen bestehender Produkte. Insbesondere steht dabei die Zielgruppe Kindergartenkinder im Fokus der Forschung. In einem empirischen Forschungssetting haben wir belegt, dass die Kompetenzentwicklung in unterschiedlichen Bereichen (insbesondere im Bereich der Informatik) positiv beeinflusst wird, wenn die Kinder an Usability Evaluierungen und Anforderungsermittlungen im Rahmen von Produktentwicklungen teilnehmen.
Das Abstract:
„The development of new software for teaching and learning IT concepts needs to be aligned with the target group, like any other product. In this case it is about the development of a programming environment for early technology education in computer science for 3- to 6-year-old kindergarten children. The final programming environment is intended to support the independent development of basic programming concepts. In order to respond to the special needs of the target group, it is necessary to adapt the selected methods to elicitate requirements.
In addition to elicitating organizational requirements, constraints and requirements for the learning content, the requirements engineer must become familiar with the requirements for the programming environment through the methods used. Trying out existing software as part of usability evaluations by the target group can be used to gain requirements for new similar products. The active and playful engagement of the children with the products supports them in finding and naming requirements. It is important to ensure that the children are accompanied well through the process of the software usability evaluation. Children should never feel that their performance is being evaluated instead of the product, otherwise they could end the collaboration and lose interest in the topic.
The aim of this research is to find out whether it is possible to promote children’s competences in computer science through active participation in the requirements elicitation process. As part of an empirical research project, guideline-based usability evaluations with the target group are used in two kindergartens to answer this question. We documented these sessions by means of instrumental observation and screen recordings. In addition, we conducted participatory, open, semi-standardized systematic observations. The observation material is analyzed using Mayring’s qualitative content analysis.
The research results show that it is possible to promote 21st century competences in computer science and thus make a valuable contribution to early technology education in computer science.
Keywords: Requirements engineering, usability, kindergarten, computer science education.“
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